It all started with a fifties Fiat 500 - since then Verdiana has lived a life of vintage passion: from clothing to hairstyling, furniture and music. So it wasn’t long until she discovered the Lindy during her work as a vintage hairdresser for Radio Modern. Once she got the bounce in her bones, her life changed completely! You can regularly see Verdiana popping up at social dances in Belgium and attending international dance camps and workshops, catching the eyes of the innocent bystanders with her Italian-style Lindy moves. When it comes to swing dancing, for Verdiana it’s all about having fun and moving your body to the music. Musicality is the key for two individuals to become one on the dance floor.

Lindy Hop:
Level 1 NEW,
Level 1 + Plus,
Level 2,
Level 3,
Level 4